Friday, September 5, 2014

Thursday, September 4, 2014


This one is for Batman lovers!


As this is going to be my first post, here's my favourite wallpaper from my collection! Cheers!


Before starting each and everything, an Introduction is must. My name is Vasanth Kumar, aged 21. I'm from the southern part of India where world's most ancient language is being spoken. And I'm also so proud about having it as my mother tongue. Like all fellow Indians, I'm also a very big fan of Cricket. The next thing I love most is my Android device. And I would also like to add that I'm a big fan of Arsenal football club.

I mentioned Android right? Yeah. I own a Xiaomi Mi 3. The term 'android lover' has many meanings. Some love apps, some love hardware, some love rooting and some love chatting, surfing and the list goes on. I'm a big fan of variety of apps available in Android and customisations it offers. My world is always filled up with apps, apps and apps. And this blog is my brain child. This has been in my mind for a very long time.

I always wanted to show people what I'm discovering each and every day out of this beautiful operating system. My blog would contain news only about customisation and variety of apps. Also, I'm not a big fan of rooting the device. So don't expect articles from me about custom ROMs are things related to it.Now you can get this thought "What the hell would he be posting all the year simply about apps?" So let me explain what would be the ingredients of my blog. My blog would contain app reviews. Will give all the in and outs of new apps that are released. The next things would be individual blogs about apps. For example, Facebook is currently looking to remove messaging feature from its app. So I would write about it's positives and negatives.

Also I said I love customisations of Android. There will also be a section in my blog named Daily Wallpapers, which I will update daily with brand and fresh wallpapers for your beautiful device. Will try to find most unique ones daily. And the next thing will be Widgets dosage. Whenever I find widgets with great design and functionalities, I will post download links and screenshots of it.
So these are the things that are going to be in my blog. I will give my best to enrich your knowledge about apps with what I'm finding or each and everyday. Also, I air to beautify your home screens.

Lastly, if you have any doubts or queries about apps, please mail me @ or tweet me @gully_point. Will try my very best to find solutions for you. Thank you!